Our Services


Comprehensive Assessment

A comprehensive assessment is used to accurately identify a client’s strengths and weaknesses to assist in creating an individualized ABA treatment plan. We use ABA-related evaluation tools to conduct the comprehensive assessment. The results will allow our professionals to identify obstacles that prevent individuals from acquiring new skills. Based on the results of the assessment, an individualized treatment plan will be designed to meet the child’s needs.

The comprehensive assessment comprises, but may not be limited to, the evaluation of the following:

  • Communication Skills and Language Proficiency
  • Repetitive Behaviors
  • Restrictive Behaviors
  • Social Interaction, Behavior, and Attitudes
  • Play and Leisure Skills
  • Personal Care and Hygiene Skills
  • Role Within the Family Unit
  • Attention Skills and Duration of Focused Engagement
  • Skill Acquisition Rate
  • Triggers That Lead to Challenging Behaviors
  • Academic Skills
Thrive Advanced Care
Thrive Advanced Care

Center-Based ABA Therapy

Our Center-Based ABA Therapy at Thrive Advanced Care offers a structured and supportive environment for children to receive targeted interventions and develop essential skills. Our center provides a dedicated space to facilitate learning and skill development in a structured setting. Each child receives a comprehensive assessment to identify their strengths, challenges, and goals. Our team of experienced BCBAs collaborates with families to develop personalized treatment plans that address specific areas of need.

We focus on teaching a variety of skills, including:

  • Communication and language development
  • Social skills and peer interaction
  • Cognitive and academic skills
  • Daily living skills and self-care routines
  • Our highly trained therapists employ evidence-based ABA techniques to address challenging behaviors and promote positive alternatives.
  • We emphasize proactive strategies to prevent problem behaviors and encourage acquiring more adaptive responses.
  • Our center offers a variety of structured learning activities and programs tailored to each child's developmental level and interests.
  • We utilize a combination of one-on-one instruction, small group activities, and naturalistic teaching methods to promote generalization and transfer of skills.
  • We recognize the importance of family involvement in treatment and encourage open communication and collaboration.
  • Families have opportunities to participate in parent training sessions, observe therapy sessions, and receive support and guidance from our team.
  • We regularly monitor each child's progress and adjust treatment plans to ensure continued growth and success.
  • Our team provides ongoing feedback and support to families to help them navigate the therapy journey and celebrate milestones.
Thrive Advanced Care
Multiracial group of young schooler wearing superhero costumes and having fun outdoors

Social Skills Program

Our Center-Based Social Skills Program at Thrive Advanced Care focuses on providing children with structured opportunities to develop essential social skills in a supportive and engaging environment. Here's an overview of our program:

  • Children Participate in Small Group Sessions Led by Experienced Facilitators Trained in Social Skills' Development.
  • Group Activities Are Carefully Designed to Target Specific Social Competencies While Fostering Teamwork, Communication, and Cooperation

Our program focuses on teaching a variety of social skills, including:

  • Conversational Skills, Such as Initiating and Maintaining Conversations, Active Listening, and Turn-Taking.
  • Nonverbal Communication, Including Body Language, Facial Expressions, and Eye Contact.
  • Emotional Regulation and Understanding the Feelings of Oneself and Others.
  • Problem-Solving and Conflict-Resolution Strategies.
  • Friendship Skills, Such as Making and Keeping Friends, Understanding Social Boundaries, and Empathy.

We incorporate a variety of structured social activities and games designed to reinforce targeted skills and encourage active participation.

Children have opportunities to practice social interactions in simulated real-life scenarios, role-plays, and group projects.

Thrive Advanced Care

Parent Training

Parent training allows for maximum parent involvement, and the more a parent is involved, the greater the opportunity for a successful outcome. We help caregivers understand the function of their child’s behavior while teaching them the ABA techniques used during therapy. Attending parent training sessions increases intervention efficacy and the probability of long-term change.

The parent training program comprises, but may not be limited to:

  • Helping Parents Understand Positive Reinforcement and Ways to Use It in Everyday Situations
  • Teaching the Functions of Different Behaviors and Effective Ways to Achieve the Desired Behavioral Outcome
  • Instruction in the Proper Ways and Methods to Effectively Gain Their Child’s Attention Before Giving Them a Direction or Making a Demand
  • Teaching Caregivers About Prompting and Fading and How These Can Be Used to Encourage a Specific Skill
  • Helping Parents Learn About Motivating Operations and How to Use Them to Create Their Child’s Interest in Various Learning Opportunities